Marc Chagall and Israeli PM Golda Meir. ‘Marc Chagall’s tapestries were hung in the Knesset with all due fanfare. The notables of Israel were waiting with bated breath for yet another masterpiece by the artist laureate of the east European Jewish ghetto to be revealed. I knew I could always come back and get a shot of the art. But not of the main figures. I turned around and refocused on Golda Meir sitting next to Chagall, just as the drapes dropped and The Gobelins were uncovered. “What do you say to that, Golda?” Chagall said as he nudged her gently. “Do you like it?”’

Marc Chagall and Israeli PM Golda Meir. ‘Marc Chagall’s tapestries were hung in the Knesset with all due fanfare. The notables of Israel were waiting with bated breath for yet another masterpiece by the artist laureate of the east European Jewish ghetto to be revealed. I knew I could always come back and get a shot of the art. But not of the main figures. I turned around and refocused on Golda Meir sitting next to Chagall, just as the drapes dropped and The Gobelins were uncovered. “What do you say to that, Golda?” Chagall said as he nudged her gently. “Do you like it?”’

By Mohammed Sajid

A Bibliophile, and a language lover. A writer by heart and a Journalist by profession. Travelling to regions and exploring their cultures is my curiosity. Am a political, and lifestyle enthusiast, religion is my refuge and my principle. Am always reachable at any bookstores, food corners, and libraries close to your locale.

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